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10225 - UCS: R2-D2

Ed Mack

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On a scale of 1-10 on trolling I would put my last comment as a 2.  If you comb through this entire forum you can find the nuggets and have a close idea when something will retire.  You just have to look.  For example yesterday there was some guessing about when the DS will retire.  If you were to dig a little folks would have a good estimation when that will retire.  While I do look forward to the day when I will be the uber troll on this forum, I've actually put my money where my mouth is on this set and have bet a R2 for an R2 with another member on here in regards to when this set will retire.  Also, it you look at yesterdays and the comments from a few weeks ago people should know that popular sets like R2 no longer have a scheduled retire date.  But hey, what do I know.  Grab all the R2's you want because you know, SW sets only last around two years and this set should go EOL any moment.

They do have a date, but it varies with inventory.  It could vary months.  So for all intents and purposes, there is no exact date of retirement, only concrete production dates.

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Guest TabbyBoy

The more "friends" I make in LEGO circles, the more I realise that the really big players don't associate with us small fry and are not members on any LEGO forum.  I went to someone's lock-up over the weekend to deliver my last 200 or so CITY vehicles and Friends sets (at a loss) and I was gobsmacked at what I saw. Not only did I see a pallet of about 20x 10179 but, there were pallets upon pallets of SSDs, Fire Brigades, Horizon Express, Sopwith Camels but, not one single VW Camper (does he know something we don't?).  I also estimated about 120x R2-D2 on just one shelf.  This guy must either work for The Gods themselves or own a massive toy shop.  Could it be Emazer's brother?


Yes, let let's give each other some slack but, not too much to hang ourselves!

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The more "friends" I make in LEGO circles, the more I realise that the really big players don't associate with us small fry and are not members on any LEGO forum.  I went to someone's lock-up over the weekend to deliver my last 200 or so CITY vehicles and Friends sets (at a loss) and I was gobsmacked at what I saw. Not only did I see a pallet of about 20x 10179 but, there were pallets upon pallets of SSDs, Fire Brigades, Horizon Express, Sopwith Camels but, not one single VW Camper (does he know something we don't?).  I also estimated about 120x R2-D2 on just one shelf.  This guy must either work for The Gods themselves or own a massive toy shop.  Could it be Emazer's brother?


Yes, let let's give each other some slack but, not too much to hang ourselves!


I think you are right about that Tabby. And that is what I would do if I would have a bit of money. I would quit my day-job and start doing this as well. But I would still be on the forum to BS around. Maybe these people are just lurking and bringing into practice what they learn here instead of posting opinions and hunches. I know a few biggies and I also think they know more than us. They must have some lines into the lego corporation.

About VW... with the possible new policy it could be VW staying around for another 5 years or so as a good seller.

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Guest TabbyBoy

You keep saying you are selling your city sets at a loss so you obviously want someone to ask and I will bite. What's the deal? Can you explain so we can be done with your obvious disdain for the theme.


They've all gone now - finally! Only a

Edited by TabbyBoy
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The more "friends" I make in LEGO circles, the more I realise that the really big players don't associate with us small fry and are not members on any LEGO forum. I went to someone's lock-up over the weekend to deliver my last 200 or so CITY vehicles and Friends sets (at a loss) and I was gobsmacked at what I saw. Not only did I see a pallet of about 20x 10179 but, there were pallets upon pallets of SSDs, Fire Brigades, Horizon Express, Sopwith Camels but, not one single VW Camper (does he know something we don't?). I also estimated about 120x R2-D2 on just one shelf. This guy must either work for The Gods themselves or own a massive toy shop. Could it be Emazer's brother?

Yes, let let's give each other some slack but, not too much to hang ourselves!

Was the guy's name Mark? So if by your logic, this guy knows LEGO investing better than us, why would he want your terd CITY sets? Just say in'..
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Guest TabbyBoy

Was the guy's name Mark? So if by your logic, this guy knows LEGO investing better than us, why would he want your terd CITY sets? Just say in'..


No, it was James (same name as me!).  Funny you should ask as I did ask if he knew Mark personally and he didn't even though he was aware of the 41999 hoarding - I didn't see any 41999s in the lock-up.  Obviously he must have an outlet for my RRP

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The more "friends" I make in LEGO circles, the more I realise that the really big players don't associate with us small fry and are not members on any LEGO forum.  I went to someone's lock-up over the weekend to deliver my last 200 or so CITY vehicles and Friends sets (at a loss) and I was gobsmacked at what I saw. Not only did I see a pallet of about 20x 10179 but, there were pallets upon pallets of SSDs, Fire Brigades, Horizon Express, Sopwith Camels but, not one single VW Camper (does he know something we don't?).  I also estimated about 120x R2-D2 on just one shelf.  This guy must either work for The Gods themselves or own a massive toy shop.  Could it be Emazer's brother?


Yes, let let's give each other some slack but, not too much to hang ourselves!


What I really want to know is why you didn't offer to take some of his 10179s off his hands

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I find all this chatter about big vs small a good read, but in the end it doesn't matter. I've got two R2s in my investment pile and that's one more than I planned on. I decided to snag one the last time they came into stock at S@H.

I don't honestly know how people get their hands on so much stock and I don't really care. There are plenty of good theories out there and I'll bet there is an element of truth to most of them.

This is the first Xmas season I've tried selling some of my investments and doing some QFLL and I was moderately successful with both. Fell short of my goal by about $1k (overall sales) but I also disappeared for the holidays to the Caribbean on dec 11th. That was worth more any last minute deals or sales.

Besides, I have a day job that I find enjoyable and easy. Pays the bills too. Lego is a sideline that makes up around 5% of our investments. I won't try to compete or I'd go broke. :)

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Guest TabbyBoy

What I really want to know is why you didn't offer to take some of his 10179s off his hands


I didn't as I'm nervous about a newer/better one possibly coming out ready for episode 7.  However, I did initally think of making an offer but, I'd have lowballed him anyway.  To date, I've not paid over RRP for anything.


Hmmm... Could a new R2-D2 be on its way?

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