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10225 - UCS: R2-D2

Ed Mack

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On a scale of 1-10 on trolling I would put my last comment as a 2.  If you comb through this entire forum you can find the nuggets and have a close idea when something will retire.  You just have to look.  For example yesterday there was some guessing about when the DS will retire.  If you were to dig a little folks would have a good estimation when that will retire.  While I do look forward to the day when I will be the uber troll on this forum, I've actually put my money where my mouth is on this set and have bet a R2 for an R2 with another member on here in regards to when this set will retire.  Also, it you look at yesterdays and the comments from a few weeks ago people should know that popular sets like R2 no longer have a scheduled retire date.  But hey, what do I know.  Grab all the R2's you want because you know, SW sets only last around two years and this set should go EOL any moment.

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I wouldn't say LegoSteve was trolling. Just expressing his opinion. 


I'm on the fence about whether these will retire or not. They are showing some of the typical signs of retirement (out of stock almost everywhere over the past month) and I haven't seen any new seal codes pop up. However its got the TOOS badge at LEGO LEGO Shop at Home and not the more promising OOS badge. But that's the fun with Lego Investing, there are signs, but you really never know. 


Either way I think if you can pick these up on a double VIP points day, it won't be a bad investment at this point in time. 

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You would think by this time there would be a poll posted on this sets EOL by now.

It's sold out in Europe. I've phoned customer services reps on three separate occasions and been informed on each occurrence that it's no longer available to order as its discontinued. I know EU and USA markets can differ, but come on the signs strongly suggest R2 is close to done in America.
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Well, I went over the limit of 2 purchased at LEGO Shop at Home, not with just this order, but over the past couple months.  I don't expect any trouble, but I have picked up a few at LEGO Shop at Home and in-store recently.

I have too. Try not to usually but did 5 in the last month. No issues yet. I missed todays as been driving

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I've actually put my money where my mouth is on this set and have bet a R2 for an R2 with another member on here in regards to when this set will retire. 

So you think it's gonna be around for a while longer? That's a brave bet you made there, and one I suspect you will lose.

All the signs suggest this one is done.


If anyone can make a case for it not being done, as opposed to just guessing, I'd love to hear it.

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When you have Crustybeaver, TractorBoy and Trek all agreeing this set is retiring it must be a slam dunk and you can take that to the bank!



Hehe anyone listening to my EOL predictions is asking for trouble to be fair.

I'm willing to keep an open mind on this one, but I just can't see a reason to think it's not on the way out.

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I'm pretty certain as long as I've been on here I have never guessed when something is going to retire. As I've said in the past multiple times before and I'm sure I'll continue to say in the future I have only referenced something the brickshow brothers have said or former Lego dealers that that are on here who still have relations with people who work for the company. As I've said before, all you have to do is a little digging on this forum.

It is interesting to watch folks on here get ants in their pants on whether a set is retiring or not. I thought people going back and forth on whether silver is going down to 13 or hit $20 on precious metal forums was amusing. I mean last time I checked I think there were 8-10 exclusives over $150, half of them are new, and many people say that PS and PC won't be retiring. So for argument sake let's say R2 is retiring, by that logic you're going to tell me that the R2 will be the only exclusive retiring? Over on the TH thread folks were caught off guard because it had a shorter than expected run. Really? TH was a government building that is the least sexy out of PS and PC and folk were really surprised by this?

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