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Happy birthday! Thank you for all the time and hard work that you and your brother have put in this site. I'm sure Ed will give you 100 polybags of your choice for your birthday.

I'll let him go shopping in my storage room.........NOT!!! ;-)

Thanks everyone! Now you guys can see how mean Ed has been to me my whole life :) If he was a real nice brother and wanted to give me something, he would have no problem giving me that #10179, heck I would even be happy with that #10030. But I guess he really doesn't care. It's ok. For his birthday I will change his password to this site and give him that Mega Bloks site I developed for him!!!!


Thanks everyone! Now you guys can see how mean Ed has been to me my whole life :) If he was a real nice brother and wanted to give me something, he would have no problem giving me that #10179, heck I would even be happy with that #10030. But I guess he really doesn't care. It's ok. For his birthday I will change his password to this site and give him that Mega Bloks site I developed for him!!!!

Mega Bloks are da bomb!



For his birthday I will change his password to this site and give him that Mega Bloks site I developed for him!!!!

HAHAHA! That'll teach him! Don't forget to give him a big steaming box of KRE-O!


HAHAHA! That'll teach him! Don't forget to give him a big steaming box of K-REO!

Doesn't KRE-O have the new STAR TREK line? I might convert.

Doesn't KRE-O have the new STAR TREK line? I might convert.

NOOO!!!! BEWARE THE DARK SIDE! Wait, I'm talking to the guy with "Darth Maul" for an avatar....Nevermind.

I am curious what the KRE-O builds for STAR TREK will be to be honest.


NOOO!!!! BEWARE THE DARK SIDE! Wait, I'm talking to the guy with "Darth Maul" for an avatar....Nevermind.

I am curious what the KRE-O builds for STAR TREK will be, to be honest.

I hope the models are awesome. Many times the pieces between KRE-O, Mega Bloks and LEGO are very similar, so I can use the instructions from a KRE-O set to build a LEGO Bird of Prey possibly. I have already used Mega Bloks HALO instructions to recreate a LEGO HALO set.

I hope the models are awesome. Many times the pieces between KRE-O, Mega Bloks and LEGO are very similar, so I can use the instructions from a KRE-O set to build a LEGO Bird of Prey possibly. I have already used Mega Bloks HALO instructions to recreate a LEGO HALO set.

I'd like to see some nice designs myself. I, too, have used instructions from those 'other' brands to build something similiar in LEGO, at least for a place to start. Then I try and see what I can modify to make it better. I also check out what other people have built and am usually pleasantly surprised at just how well and much better their take on the design is compared to even what the guys who get paid to come up with these designs for MEGA BLOKS & such are.

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