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My previous best LEGO deal was the free Minifig that got stuck in the cart down at the bottom and my wife and I didn't know it until we got out to the car. Sure we could have (should have) gone back in to pay for it but I guess a little of my guilt was taken away by the fact that it truly was an accident and that we had just spent $750+ at the register on LEGO sets. Actually now I am feeling really guilty and I might have to go back to the store (months later) and pay for it :) Anyway todays LEGO deal tops that by far. I purchased set 6241 and 6712 from someone on eBay a couple weeks back as a package deal for $45 (the current value of these sets is about $60). Days later they refunded my money. I have tried to contact them over and over because I thought they just changed their mind and would never ship it out. So far I have gotten no response but guess what arrived in the mail today... these two sets. As of this moment I got them for free. I will try and do the right thing and keep trying to contact the person and eventually re-pay when we get this figured out but as of this moment I got 2 great sets for nothing. I have had many other auctions where I won the item and paid only to have it cancelled hours or days later and the person tell me the item is no longer available or the listing was an accident. I have realized this happens now because they either didn't get what they expected from the item or they realized it is more valuable than what they listed it for.

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