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Site Improvements & General FAQs

Ed Mack

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Then you visited the same malware site on each PC. Clear your cookies and cache on each PC and run a malware scan. If you google this its a problem being reported on multiple websites and the resolution is always the same... Clear all your browsing history.

​Not appreciating the responses and accusations. I'm in IT and show others how to avoid obtaining crap like this, so I'm far from the computer illiterate that don't know better. I had this happen as well on multiple computers that have never visited aliexpress (or whatever it is) before, malware scans found nothing, and only viewing Amazon, eBay & Brickpicker with Chrome. It only happened when clicking themes in my Brickfolio. If it only happened at BP and between different people viewing BP, Jeff's suggestion of a thread post within BP causing the issue is more logical and likely. Perhaps not everyone on BP viewed Page # of a certain day of Daily Deals (for example), so the few that did picked something up. I did Google the issue and cleared the cache before reading this, but the mystery still remains how and why. I know the Mack Bros & everyone else affected would love to know in order to prevent history repeating itself.

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thanks for the great update Mack bros. 

honestly though, ive been on this site for 2 years now and its been a part of my life since ... living without it for 2 days was kinda weird ... like something in my life was missing ... haha!  


​Yes, i agreed totally with your post. living without it for 2 days was really a weird experience, been staring at my phone for the App to magically work but alas not yet.

However good works for the update guys. Appreciate all that you have been doing to make the this site wonderful.


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Hello, Jeff and the BPCrew,

Having not visited the site in a few months, then coming here today and wondering why I can't access my Brickfolio, Site Update forum is my first point of call. Glad to know it isn't only me!

Keep up the good work as always! Very much appreciated. Perhaps I'm projecting myself, but you know, I'd think you would rather do other stuff over the weekend mate!

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Please consider changing the email notification back to a generic "there has been a reply to X thread.". That allows for easy grouping of email threads in gmail, etc.  Having the poster's name in the email subject makes it unique and gmail then cannot group similar emails.

You might already be working on it, but didn't see it.


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this might have been mentioned earlier, but can the latest topics have more shown? Also, on the latest posts, if it's in the same thread, can only the most recent be listed on the home forum page?

Sure. I am working with the person that helped build some of the widgets for the prior version.  He is going through them now to see what needs to be done. 

Right now I am working on overall site functionality and performance and that is getting better.   This is still an early build on the new forum.  It will get better over time. 

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I want through and did a check of what if anything was not working and looked for glitches. some very minor things but im sure they will be worked out with continued update. only thing im seeing that is not working is the brickpicker app.

Jeff is talking with the developer of Tap Talk to see if they have an update for the new forum.  If they don't have one yet, I'm sure they will develope one because the old forum won't be getting any support very soon.   These companies force you to constantly upgrade.  

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The forum is looking better, one step at a time, good job!

I really don't like using the mobile version on my tablet though (the screen is way too large and precise for such a minimalistic interface). The issue is that a click on "Request desktop site" doesn't actually load the desktop version, it remains stuck on the mobile version. For some reason, the forum ignores/overrides polite requests from browsers to receive a desktop version.

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I am waiting to hear from them as to whether the mobile app will work with this version yet.  It may be a few weeks until its ready.  The mobile template is pretty good though,so you might not really need it for now.

Site does look a bit better though I was happy with the old one.  I like managing my participating of different forums on the tapatalk app so the new site will limit my participating until that comes back online.  Otherwise, I'll be using brickpicker on desktop only.  Hopefully that'll be back on soon.  Thanks for all the efforts in making the site better.

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Before the upgrade, when revisiting any forum thread it would automatically jump to the last post that I had previously read, which made it really easy to catch up on postings. Now when I revisist a thread, it automatically jumps to the last post made...I then have to backtrack posts and often pages to find where I had left off. Is there a way to fix this...is it a setting somewhere I need to apply?

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The forum is looking better, one step at a time, good job!

I really don't like using the mobile version on my tablet though (the screen is way too large and precise for such a minimalistic interface). The issue is that a click on "Request desktop site" doesn't actually load the desktop version, it remains stuck on the mobile version. For some reason, the forum ignores/overrides polite requests from browsers to receive a desktop version.

​That's the bottom line...One step at a time.  The upgrade was required by the forum developer and many of the people with the add ons and apps are catching up.  Google is also requiring all sites to be mobile friendly by this week I believe, or you will be punished by their search engines.  This forum template still has some quirks and the developer knows it, but we have no other choice but to deal with it.  

I'm sure over the next several weeks we will implement many of the old features that were made specifically for the old forum.  The custom developers are working on some stuff for us right now and Jeff is in contact with Tap Talk, so hopefully they can come up with a new version.  Honestly, they have to because the old forum version will lose support shortly.  While I like the new mobile version, the Tap Talk was simple and effective and I would welcome it back as well.  

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Before the upgrade, when revisiting any forum thread it would automatically jump to the last post that I had previously read, which made it really easy to catch up on postings. Now when I revisist a thread, it automatically jumps to the last post made...I then have to backtrack posts and often pages to find where I had left off. Is there a way to fix this...is it a setting somewhere I need to apply?

​How are you visiting the forum threads? I posted earlier today about how you can go to the "first unread post" from the forum views. Also, have you tried the "New Content" option up at the top on the right (or the "star" in the mobile friendly website view)? Those are the options I'm now using for viewing new content...

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I am not sure if anyone else has notice this. Lots of old forum threads seems to be truncated/missing contents which is very confusing. Was there a problem with the porting? Is there a way of restoring this original content?

You have to give examples of what is wrong

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Look at this thread, you can see a lot of posts have been truncated 


​Thanks.  Did you notice more than just that one?  I will need to try and figure is it one forum, just a group of threads.  It's not something that will jump out at me by doing searches.  

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​Thanks.  Did you notice more than just that one?  I will need to try and figure is it one forum, just a group of threads.  It's not something that will jump out at me by doing searches.  

​looking at threads I have been involved with, lots of them have this problem. just take a look at my post activity and you can see a lot of my post has incomplete sentences which I definitely remember being complete! I think it is widespread over all forums.

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​looking at threads I have been involved with, lots of them have this problem. just take a look at my post activity and you can see a lot of my post has incomplete sentences which I definitely remember being complete! I think it is widespread over all forums.

​Well for right now I don't have any answers.  I will have to share this with the developers of the forum and let them look it over and compare it to backup tables.  

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