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Site Improvements & General FAQs

Ed Mack

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"What Lego set did you sell today?", "What Lego set did you buy today?", and "What Lego set did you not buy today?" are in 3 separate forum categories----this seems odd to me. Frustrating too b/c I can never remember which is where---any chance to combine together under one category?

I had pondered about that before but was resiliant in moving them since everyone is used to where they have been for so long. Still, I am willing to place them all under one roof if everyone is alright with it. Do you think the "General Buying & Selling" category would be best? That would be my suggestion considering they all revolve around buying or selling basically.
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I am sure you all are aware, but randomly the Foum will change formats after posting and it looks like , I would assume Javascript, goes haywire


Yes I am here trying to fix that.  Will have it soon


Are the forum accounts not connected to the WP main page now? If I want to leave a comment now, it shows a user name and email field.


You may need to log out and then back in again to post on the blog side without those form fields.

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Yes I am here trying to fix that.  Will have it soon



You may need to log out and then back in again to post on the blog side without those form fields.


Logging in from the frontpage as opposed to the forums fixed it. Keep up the good work, I appreciate the effort... I know how many small tweaks and changes go into even a basic redesign! :thumbsup:

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I had pondered about that before but was resiliant in moving them since everyone is used to where they have been for so long. Still, I am willing to place them all under one roof if everyone is alright with it. Do you think the "General Buying & Selling" category would be best? That would be my suggestion considering they all revolve around buying or selling basically.



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Awesometastic layout on the main page, Jeff. Really catches the eye. :)


Do you think the "General Buying & Selling" category would be best? That would be my suggestion considering they all revolve around buying or selling basically.


One short concise answer....I like it. :good: Alrighty then, all three topics for what did you buy, not buy, and sell, are all under the "General Buying & Selling" category now.
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Awesometastic layout on the main page, Jeff. Really catches the eye. :)


One short concise answer....I like it. :good: Alrighty then, all three topics for what did you buy, not buy, and sell, are all under the "General Buying & Selling" category now.


Yes I like this move.  I read this threads all the time.

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Digging the new front page Macks



I agree!  It looks very nice!



Thanks.   I will give an update tomorrow on everything that is going on and why I did this change now.  I just needed to get this cut over today. There are still some finishing touches to go on this and some tweaks.  It will get there.

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