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Ed Mack

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Hi Jeff

I had this issue this morning. It's to do with the Amazon ad that slides to show different ads products. If you click on the drop down on your profile and bring down the drop down menu it's over the ad. The ad slides and immediately covers the drop down menu.

I was on chrome at the time, refresh the screen the ad changes and the problem goes away :)

what he said, refresh and the ad changes. counter productive for amazon, yah?

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When in forums view mode, could you please add the lot calculator in the tools drop down?  It would save us from going back to home screen, then tools, then lot calc.   And thanks so much for this tool!  I use it nearly every day. 


I added the link into menu all the way on the right.

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Has the "Daily Deals" and "What Lego set did you buy today?" threads being going slow as molasses to bring up let alone view for anyone else? I can get the thread to load up but soon as it is then everything becomes unresponsive for a few minutes.


I haven't seen an issue.


Try giving your computer a love tap with a bat or golf club. Works wonders.

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Can my Brickfolio show aggregated GBP values now please instead of GBP that is a direct conversion from USD figures?


I see that against each set you have the true GBP values instead of the US converted figures but my Brickfolio is still based on the converted.


Thanks in advance.

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Can my Brickfolio show aggregated GBP values now please instead of GBP that is a direct conversion from USD figures?


I see that against each set you have the true GBP values instead of the US converted figures but my Brickfolio is still based on the converted.


Thanks in advance.


There is not enoughdata to be even remotely accurate... so its basing off of USD values for now.... will be changed sometimes in the next half year I guess.

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Oh dear.


I assume that you are saying there is not enough historical data for this to be 'remotely accurate', if this is so its not such a big deal. I would just like to know what my Brickfolio is worth today, not over the past months.


My case in point is that I have the General Grevious set 8095 and my Brickfolio says it is worth

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This has been asked of Ed & Jeff many times before (including by me). They only started to provide any data for countries other than the US a few months ago. It is on their list of improvements to provide. We don't have exact timings as to when it will be done because 1; they have a lot on and 2; some sort of history needs to be built up before they can give back any meaningful figures.


Personally I keep a manual spreadsheet and update it myself. But has I only have approx 50 discrete sets, not 700odd! :)


But my manual total is about

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Thanks @CNH1974 - fully understand your points. As indicated historic is not important to me and most likely others. I am not sure how historic data affects the view I see on the screen of only the current value of my BrickFolio.


I can imagine the system just needs to add up the data in the GBP column of the master datbase and not the USD for the total value. I guess the issue is having the time for the owners to write the code to make this calculation and place an extra button on the settings page or brickfolio page to use GBP data instead of USD data. Ok maybe I am over simplifying the issue. I am looking into Mozenda to script a screen scraper on all my sets pages to pull the data off directly, as I see this is the only alternative. 


This is not a negative post and as a long term member (over 18 months now) I love reading entries on this site and think it is smashingly good! but more attuned to our USA cousins which is fair enough as its a much bigger base of users.


Keeping my fingers crossed and wait patiently.




BTW - Merry xmas all :santa:

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This has been asked of Ed & Jeff many times before (including by me). They only started to provide any data for countries other than the US a few months ago. It is on their list of improvements to provide. We don't have exact timings as to when it will be done because 1; they have a lot on and 2; some sort of history needs to be built up before they can give back any meaningful figures.


There are many things happening behind the scenes and many issues just are not discussed with members.  Jeff has been working on the Brick Classifieds and another major improvement that will be launched very soon that will improve the look and functionality of the site.  Sometimes, some site improvements and features are postponed because of other issues that arise or time restraints.  


That being said, we realize the Brickfolio needs an upgrade and that is on the list for 2014.  We want to make it more spreadsheet like and will ask qualified members for input.  We will also implement the non-US data in the Brickfolio system when there are enough listings to do so.  We have well over three times as many listings for the US than the other three(Austrailia has even less), so it's a hard decision on when to switch.  Most likely, the whole Brickfolio upgrade will happen at the same time, but it will happen.  I know Jeff has mentioned coordinating the Brickfolio with the Brick Classifeds so that people can easily keep track of purchases and sales and actually list items off your Brickfolio directly onto the Classifieds.  Good things are coming...

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Very happy to hear about the suggested Brickfolio changes, entering my items in my currency is great but not a reflection of their current value according to the four regions where the new and used market value is depicted.  For example in Australia I am doing very well with my sets but in the US losing money on some, however I'd only ever sell in my region (especially with larger boxed items).   Brickfolio data is only really useful to show value in the region you plan to sell your lego and as much I might imagine your site caters to US members... well there is a few of us foreigners out there   :party:


If changing your system will take a long time might I suggest a simpler measure would be to include in the exporting spreadsheet function a dump of the current new and used prices for the four regions along side each item in your portfolio.This will save much time in cross referencing the whole portfolio until your functionality accepts preferred region of value.  it is fun revisiting the set pages to update the spreadsheet but when you start getting many sets I would imagine it is quite the task!


Anyway your site rocks, as newbie user I am blown away by the commentary and useful data. Apologies if my suggestion on the export spreadsheet has been mentioned before in this thread (I did do a quick look on the term Brickfolio).

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Is there anything that can be done for flipped pics? I feel like I am going to lose my camera badge! I can't figure it out---sometimes when I upload, pics show as flipped. I delete it here, go to my iphone, and flip it, then re upload...and it's still flipped. Or can someone smart right a quick note on how to take a photo with iphone properly donit won't flip? Do you hold it vertical/horizontal? Home button to left or right? At least I am not a total fool, I see others posting flipped images too. I know on ebay, as soon as you post pics, you can flip them if they are wrong. I know this is not ebay, just wondering of the forum software might have something similar built in?

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