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Clearance cleared out... ahead of actual clearance...

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So I have been trying to personally collect the Master Builder sets and when I saw that they were listing at 50% off, I was stoked. Drove out to the closest TRU and they were at full price, no big deal, I'd just keep checking and cross my fingers. There were like 3 to 4 of each. 

As the visits continued and the price never dropped, they started disappearing left and right. I'm certain that these were not just flying off the shelves per usual, they had the same sets just sitting there for months before, I'm certain of this due to conversations with the employees. As soon as I saw a grip disappear I started to ask if I could price match another TRU and was told no.


They are all now gone. :negative:


So what do you all think happened here?  


Also the employee assured me that they are not going to be ordering Master Builder Sets anymore after looking up the line.




I've also wondered about this. You wait for a deal but then they disappear anyway. Is it better to buy msrp or wait trying to get a price cut but risk having them bought from under your nose at msrp by other people?


I had them scan one of them first thing. Only one though. 

I'll stand by that these did not sell out in 3 weeks at MSRP. Could be fluke, but I highly suspect something is amiss. 


I've also wondered about this. You wait for a deal but then they disappear anyway. Is it better to buy msrp or wait trying to get a price cut but risk having them bought from under your nose at msrp by other people?


Depends on the area.  I think you're in SoCal?


I honestly think there's enough people here that are willing to pay whatever the price is, that either stock doesn't make it to clearance, or they figure there's no reason to clearance (because people will buy at MSRP or higher).


I've certainly seen it at TRU.  Even when I've told people where to get things cheaper, or that particular things are on sale, they just blow me off and tell me they want to buy what they want, and they want it now (even at TRU mark up).  With no interest about price matching or anything.

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