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LEGO Ideas Results


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  • 4 weeks later...

Anyone seen any rumors for the next set? They were supposed to release results at the end of January, but nothing yet. I am guessing they screwed the Avengers Ideas creator guy over since they did their own UCS set instead, so that leaves some other sets that are not as interesting to me. The marble maze is pretty cool, not sure how long it could keep my interest though.


Maybe they will do the Dr. Who sets and get those out of the way this time around. I am sure quite a few folks across the pond would enjoy that very much.


Anyone else fascinated by the Avengers set getting UCS designation and no mention of the Ideas set/creator?

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Doctor Who will be incredible.  And I'm so very hopeful that this will be the start of a whole line of Doctor Who LEGO.


I will be hoarding these as much as I can.  A) I want it for myself, and need to get it for my Whovian friends.  B) This will have a much larger appeal that just LEGO fans.  Whovians will gobble this up.

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Love Wall E! Wanted Hubble too. That's ok.

Why are they listing the Avengers Hellicarrier as one of the next under review. Strange.

For the big question since I am not as seasoned as long timers.

What sets in the lego offices in the video are ones we have not seen before? LOL

The Watto bust.
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Maybe its just me but I think they should set up a system which they produce a limited run on an order system of sets wanted by AFOL's.  I believe the AT-AT has reached 10K support more than once now.  Why not allow people to pre order it for lets say $1k and if they get at least 5k orders, they make it for them and ship it to them.

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Not really surprised considering the sizes of all the sets.  Based on what they have released so far it seems very unlikely they would release a very large set.  That really only left the Wall-E, maybe the Hubbell if they wanted to redesign it to be smaller.  Since they carried over the Dr. Who line it seemed likely it would get approved too.


I'm guessing the next set will either be the maze or the piano, maybe the Hornet.

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Wall-E over Hubble ? WTH...  Methinks somebody owed somebody a favor.. ;)


Is that the UCS TIE-Fighter on the same display racks as Watto bust ?

I felt the same way....... no sense.

But one thing might be, this time too many sets are awesome and likely a good set. Next run? I don't see it as competitive. (oops, some of the sets I thought in this 2015 review were actually on the next one... sry)

Edited by cissi
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Disappointed to be getting Wall-E and not Hubble.


Doctor Who will sell well so will buy it, but will avoid Wall-E.


I'm guessing small is beautiful in the Ideas team or their remit.


For the next review, I think it's highly unlikely that the Avengers, Jurassic Park or Minas Tirith will be done, and I don't think that Goonies will be done as they'll have just released Pirates with a ship.


Personally the only one I have interest in is the National History Museum (though if Goonies is done I'll buy that too).

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Shell we speculate a little bit? Maybe LEGO wants to score some with PIXAR (for their next movie or future cooperation?) while siding with ESA seems not so beneficial?


Another way of looking at it, market. I'm sure most of the Hubble lovers (space nerds) loves WALL-E, but not proportionally the other way around. So, they may as well just choose one with higher profit potential.

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