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My prediction of SW VII movie plot: an evil Sith figured out a substance capable of destroying a star. The good guys from epIV board Millennium Falcon to try and stop the bad guy. When the bad guy tries to blow up a star he opened a portal to the past. The guys in MF follows him to the portal. The portal takes the Sith and his overgrown ship to Tatooine 30 years before the event in EpIV. For whatever reason the Sith decides to wait patiently for 30 years. He blows up Tatooine with the substance just when Ben met Han at the cantina. He also blows up Dagobah with the same substance and kills Yoda. Old Luke decides to find a new Jedi to train and the rest of the gang from the future tries to stop the Sith plus the incoming Death Star. The rest of the gang is destroyed in 3 way battle between MF, Sith from future, and DS. Old Luke decides to explore the new timeline with his new Jedi/padawan. Luke will have a brief but pointless comlink cameo in Ep VIII.

Btw, all bad guys from epIV survive ep VII. Darth Vader livess!!



My prediction of SW VII movie plot: an evil Sith figured out a substance capable of destroying a star. The good guys from epIV board Millennium Falcon to try and stop the bad guy. When the bad guy tries to blow up a star he opened a portal to the past. The guys in MF follows him to the portal. The portal takes the Sith and his overgrown ship to Tatooine 30 years before the event in EpIV. For whatever reason the Sith decides to wait patiently for 30 years. He blows up Tatooine with the substance just when Ben met Han at the cantina. He also blows up Dagobah with the same substance and kills Yoda. Old Luke decides to find a new Jedi to train and the rest of the gang from the future tries to stop the Sith plus the incoming Death Star. The rest of the gang is destroyed in 3 way battle between MF, Sith from future, and DS. Old Luke decides to explore the new timeline with his new Jedi/padawan. Luke will have a brief but pointless comlink cameo in Ep VIII. :D

X-men from the future not participating?


New Stormtrooper helmet:


Why are there any Stormtroopers? The Empire was defeated.

At any rate, I'm sure some designers at Lego are already creating molds of this and planning to make 9 billion little helmets.

Perhaps painful flashbacks? Since current generation might not know "what up", they need a bunch of flashbacks?

That, or time travel.


Perhaps painful flashbacks? Since current generation might not know "what up", they need a bunch of flashbacks?

That, or time travel.



Haven't you heard?  The resurrected Sidious, on the 3rd Death Star, with the SSD is all in the movie and their making a new SSD and Death Star and MF to go with all of it.  Plus he resurrected Vader and modified his dna so that he is all bad again.  All Lego Sets coming back.  It has happened all before.  It will happen again.  Oh wait, that is Battlestar Galactica.  No wait, it is Star Wars.  It is about cash.  They remake every other movie in hollywood over again.  Why not remake stuff in SW.  I think if GhostDad sees this he will get all upset. :)


Haven't you heard?  The resurrected Sidious, on the 3rd Death Star, with the SSD is all in the movie and their making a new SSD and Death Star and MF to go with all of it.  Plus he resurrected Vader and modified his dna so that he is all bad again.  All Lego Sets coming back.  It has happened all before.  It will happen again.  Oh wait, that is Battlestar Galactica.  No wait, it is Star Wars.  It is about cash.  They remake every other movie in hollywood over again.  Why not remake stuff in SW.  I think if GhostDad sees this he will get all upset. :)

The current Disney's (and not only theirs)  approach is to take some old beat up story, and retell it from a completely different angle.

So, remake of episode 6, but Sidious as completely misunderstood, with rebels portrayed as scum?  Dark Side that's actually good?


Why are there any Stormtroopers?  The Empire was defeated. 

The same way the Republic dissolved and the CIS were defeated yet you still see Seperatist battle droids, rogue clone trooper squadrons, and others existing in various parts of the galaxy after the Clone Wars. Some admiral (hehe) or other figures of Imperial power are probably clinging onto the remains of the Empire's military somewhere in the galaxy.


More interesting concept art coming up...



And the trooper helmet shots, art and the real deal:




A nice little montage put together by theRPF's Facebook page. 



Which, comparing side by side, I really think JJ Abrams dropped the ball on this one. The last defining features that make this a Star Wars helmet and not a generic sci-fi helmet (designed by Apple, lol) are almost all gone - gone are the teeth, gone is the skull resemblance, simplified and gone are the remaining greeblies on the helmet into a smooth, weird...thing. At least in the first three, you can see how the shape moved from the "Mandalorian"-influenced design to the Stormtrooper helmet (both iconic icons and 100% Star Wars) while still retaining and slightly molding the curves to be present the entire time (see: curve along the bottom side of the helmets - which is gone and flattened in the new one). The growth of the aerators into the design increase, and then suddenly disappear into the streamline of the helmet makes no sense either (there's even only one on one side! WHY). Hate the new shiny plastic too, ESPECIALLY since there are no greeblies to balance it out and prevent it from looking like a glamorous artistic sphere of a helmet.


I don't like the iTrooper. 


I pulled these images from theRPF (Replica Prop Forums) Facebook page - there's some interesting analysis and thoughts in the comments, if you'd like to take a look at what some others think. Just click right through their images starting here:



I think that most of us that grew up with the OT need to realize that they will never be duplicated.  I'm not a huge Star Wars geek so I'm not devastated by flashbacks and stuff that die hards are worried about, but it will be near impossible to bring back the magic that was Star Wars back in the late 70s and early 80s.

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Uhm, why are you reading the thread with "leaked" word in the title? Or "they" make you read it because you are mod?

ha, the title doesn't say leaked plot :rofl:

plus i'm a sucker for anything SW....The force isnt strong with this one 


I was really hoping they wouldn't be using this found lightsaber plotline.  Ugh, we'll see how this plays out.


When they signed on the dude for Vader, I figured it would be flashbacks.

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