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  1. Past hour
  2. Ahh yes, the titular Ocarina of Time
  3. I'm not much into the Pick-A-Brick but i know some of you are Pick-a-Brick: Regular service has resumed in North America https://www.lego.com/en-us/pick-and-build/pick-a-brick?inStockOnly=true&CMP=AFC-AffiliateUS-E*D7bo5RkGs-4248533-1606623-10&query=6503895 Lots of cool items including some blue instrument from Zelda Ocarina Of Time that has sold on ebay for $15-$30....Limit 10 at 57 cents each....Might have to buy a few myself
  4. Yesterday
  5. Someone recently was asking for a nice GWP....Spend $150 or more and get the GWP Botanicals Flowerpot #40762 https://www.lego.com/en-us/page/lego-offers-promotions
  6. Last week
  7. Reminded me of this one from 30 years ago:
  8. With any luck in 3 months they will be 10 bucks
  9. This DewBricks video is pretty great: https://www.instagram.com/p/DGluasDvIOr/
  10. COSTCO has a number of these for $20.99
  11. The one nearest me became a Big Lots which just closed, ha edit: I totally missed exciter's post - I should go to bed, stupid spring forward.
  12. Hey Brick Pickers, We are excited to announce a preorder for this F1 Series. Use code "F1-Brickpicker" to get 10% off the series! Box - $154.34 (with code) Set - $53.54 (with code) Preorders begin shipping May 1st. Happy Building, Jon
  13. For years after TRU closed some halloween chain came in there at around September/October....Now some body shop/automotive place took it over and gutted the whole place out
  14. Interesting, ours became a Party City that just closed.
  15. Our TRU building is available again. The Big Lots that went in there just shuttered.
  16. I work literally across the street from our old TRU store....Thanks for the trip down memory lane Good times....Lots of deals done both inside and outside of the store....Especially with employees
  17. Here's one for those buying the new LOTR #10354 The Shire
  18. TRU Parking Lot 🤣
  19. https://www.lego.com/en-gb/stores/events/meet-the-designer-lsq?CMP=AFC-AffiliateUS-LNtsWdwRzsQ-2513819-1606623-10
  20. But where are you going to sell it?
  21. I’m waiting for this.
  22. I like the engines on the R1 version from a few years ago better. Going to have to see it from more views before I buy for one less figure and a smaller ship to probably not even display. The first edition's crew/cargo bay area seems taller and the doors slid open, I cannot tell if the new one lost that function but it appears to be shorter.
  23. Update - there appears to be a variant for QGJ's figure with early releases from perhaps a single factory having either a different colored hair piece or beard color. You-tubers and eBay buyers appear inconsistent still but if you have an early release set and are a reseller, it might be worth looking into. The figure alone is selling for up to $300 USD.
  24. Hell yeah!
  25. The Speed Champions box art looks sharp:
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