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  3. If it included a minifigure of some kind it would be perfect
  4. I heard they are waiting on @Captain_Obvious to give the set his ranking prior to release 🤣
  5. Maybe because the microfig torso misses the planet colors on the front of the box. Hoped it would be unique microfig, but seems a mistake.
  6. Update, delayed: https://www.thebrickfan.com/lego-ideas-micro-command-center-40786-launch-delayed/
  7. 80117 is 49.99 at Costco in store…. YMMV Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. Back in stock
  9. Hi Guys Anybody got any experience or advice on this, one of the pieces of armour has been printed with grey instead of red, as far as I can make out this is extremely rare? and will therefore make it much sought after? any information greatly received. Thanks
  10. Not bad. A little more of a walkway and a Captain minifig would have made this a lot more desirable.
  11. Future GWP.....If only it included a minifigure it would be perfect...Still looks very nice Ideas GWP: 5009157 Amelia Ticket Booth (Free With Purchase Of 21356)
  12. Poof
  13. spy options or the like. If market stays in a month I double money. If it goes up I lose everything. Selling call spread near the money
  14. Last week
  15. It's actually incredible how little I want these. (unless they can go on hot wheels tracks...
  16. Packaged like minifgures, F1 collectible car series. https://www.lego.com/en-us/product/f1-collectible-race-cars-71049
  17. Still not finding this on the website.
  18. Not my thing, but a cute set. I'm sure will be an easy $30-$40; not bad if only 2,000 points to redeem.
  19. When I contacted Lego they could see on their end that my points were credited, but not double points (as was the promo when I ordered the sets). Nevertheless, they quickly credited me the extra points. All good.
  20. A short position. Is it in a specific stock of sorts? I’m not optimistic about the market currently, but short positions can get ugly quickly.
  21. I just took out a leveraged short position against the S & P. If the economy goes south and affects Lego, at least I'll recoup some via profits on my hedge.
  22. Inflation, genuine economy worries, and the absolute #1 factor by MILES is the PLETHORA of amazing new releases priced significantly less that PY. Every collectible category from watches to comic books have plummeted in the last year or 2. Please explain why Lego should be immune?
  23. I ran out of space minifigures to display, so... Muppets from Space.
  24. I think a lot of factors have lead to this. The covid spike distorted demand obviously. Inflation caused a lot of issues and was not addressed soon enough with higher interest rates. The big toy companies all increased production based on the COVID demand that did not last, which led to massive amounts of excess toys everywhere. Then media properties like Star Wars/Marvel/DC started to drastically decrease in quality and popularity, which drives a lot of toy/Lego demand. And of course kids are now on their tablets/smartphones/video games more than ever and have much less interest in toys.
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