This is a topic I don't think gets covered enough. The people in the background. The behind the scenes workers who don't get the spotlight, or even the credit sometimes, but are nonetheless pillars of all the business we do here.
My woman is amazing. She is the reason I am able to do so much in the field of LEGO, both as a hobby and an on-the-side business.
She let me repurpose a small room in our townhouse to a workroom. My command center and refuge for all things of the brick. I build here, shoot my photos, store my loose pieces, weigh, measure, pack, ship, drill, cut, file, etc. Without my space I'd drive her nuts invading the rest of the house.
Secondly, my woman is stylish. Very hip. She has a great sense of style, fashion, is strikingly beautiful, and is generally mega rad. I'd like to say she rubs off on me, although she'd describe it as "stealing her cool". I suppose it's a little of both. She is the first person I go to with a new MOC design. She signs off on most things I do, because I value her imput and trust her judgment when mine is biased or comprimised.
The biggest support she gives, though, is probably taking care of our daughter when I'm 'on the prowl'. My little one can't quite understand that not every Friends set I bring home is strictly for her to tear open and scatter all over her room.
My woman wants to be more involved, and as my ebay venture grows she'd like to add personal touches to my auctions, like sewn bags or whatnot, which I am all for.
I'll turn this over to you now by asking, "How does your woman, man, significant other, or whatever, support you?"
Ask yourself if you do enough to involve them, or ask yourself what you do that is only possible because they've got your back. They're your employee of the month, your backbone, your cheerleader, your inspiration, and sometimes even your boss.
Let's make sure they get proper credit. I'd be nothing like the man I am without her, and that's another debt in a long line of debts I'll never repay.
But, that won't stop me from trying.