So if you don't know about Aqua Teen Hunger Force, you should pretty much quit whatever you are doing and watch all 9 seasons straight through. I'll wait...Done? It is a 11 minute Adult Swim original show about three fast food items who are supposed to be detectives, but quit because the money was bad. Along with them, they have a next door neighbor, Carl Brutananadilewski who is a lazy, creepy man who is pretty... woman crazy? The show itself generally has no plot and ends in one of the main character's or supporting character's deaths, which is never permanent between episodes. It is an amazing show for one-liners and is highly quotable for any fans. So, here goes my ATHF series!
The Aqua Teen's House
This would be one of the smaller sets as the Aqua Teen's house is one that is fairly small, and has been destroyed at least 30 or 40 times in the series. However, everyone loves buildings and this is definitely an iconic one if you watch this show because of all the different shenanigans that go on inside of it.
In my eyes, this would have a removable roof (since it has come off many times anyway) so that it could also be a bit of a play-set Inside, you would have the whole modular home with Meatwad's particularly dirty room, Flylock's room with his bed and computer, the kitchen and the living room with the chair and TV in as below (If you are wondering, Shake doesn't have a room – as he makes clear in the Episode titled “Dirtfoot”:
Of course it would have the signature “get out” written on the side of the house, the door would be shaped like Shake, and the garage would open up to a small Lego “Danger Cart:
This set would come with the following minifigures as well:
Meatwad – he would look exactly like a ball of meat, probably just one piece Frylock – He would be a 3 pieces, the box for the fries and the fries themselves along with the jewel that attaches to his back. It would also be cool for him to have a VCR under the jewel (if you have seen the movie, you will get it) Master Shake – Shake would be the cup, the top and the straw along with his hands. He should also have some pistachio flavored ice-cream in him. Can you imagine that minifigures of these guys wouldn't be fun?
Carl's House
Carl's house is a little bigger that the Aqua Teen's house, so it would be bigger modular with two floors. They would most likely have to make it open from the side or the back of the house. It would also come with a mini pool outside for all of the Aqua Teens to get into so Carl could come outside and tell them how he has been calling the police, but they just hang up now. The pool itself would have flames coming up the side of it so, as Carl once said, it will “like it's tearin' ass around the back yard”.
Inside the house, the downstairs would have Carl's giant TV and his Giant's memorabilia all over the place (Aqua Teen Hunger Force is set in New Jersey by the way). Upstairs, it would have Carl's room with a rock-star wig (Carl is into rock music) and a large tanning machine with it set to “Jamaican”.
This set would only come with one minifigure as unfortunately Carl lives alone. But it would be a pretty sweet minifigure:
They could also have a duplicate outfit for him that would include his red jeans that he wore to the '69 tour of Bryan Adams and Foreigner, along with the mystical foreigner belt that could turn his head into a connect 4 set (Just go watch “Revenge of the Mooninites”).
The Mooninites Ship
If you have ever watched ATHF, you know that the Mooninites play a pretty big role in the show. Though they are only in 7 episodes and the movie, they are the most recognizable characters past the Aqua Teens themselves and will make for some pretty sweet minifigures. The ship itself is pretty simple because in reality, the mooninites are only 2D.
The ship would therefor be a little on the thin side, but would have the recognizable Blue and Purple color scheme, and have the stands that could retract for the ship itself to fly. It would also have a cockpit for the mooninites to get in so they can send their... um farewells to Earth. Kids would like this set as well – who doesn't love spaceships?
The minifigures would be the two mooninites themselves. They would both come with small ray guns as well and would also be very thin giving the 2D effect. The two mooninites are Ignignokt on the left, and Err on the right.
2 Wicked
If you are not familiar with the show at all, Carl is pretty into style and being a Lady's man – except for dressing up and speaking politely. Either way, to go with his pretty sweet pool, he has a car that has been pretty spruced up that he calls “2 wicked”.
Everyone who loves Lego loves cars, so this being a souped up small sedan would be pretty cool. The engine coming out the top and gleam of the wheels. As well, there would be the purple racing stripe on the side and the “2 Wicked” painted on to make the car really look sweet.
It would come with the following minifigures:
Carl Shake (as he is always trying to drive it and several times has had to drive Carl in it for some incapacitated reason or another). The Rabbot – he was in the very first episode ever and is a pretty awesome character, perfect for a minifigure. He famously jumped on Carl's car and smashed it to pieces (of course int he next episode it was perfectly intact again.)
The Last One
This is directly from a great episode of ATHF entitled “The Last One” (it was the final episode of season 2). As I had mentioned before, the Aqua Teens have encountered a lot of different villains – pretty much a different weird character in each episode – like the Rabbot I spoke of, the mooninites, etc.
In this episode, they all come together to try and figure out how they are going to defeat the Aqua Teens. Unfortunately, none of them are very smart so it just turns into a large bout of stupid ideas general idiocy.
Since this is a gathering of all the weird characters, it would be an awesome minifigure set. It would come with a floor and a stage, like in the picture above. It would also have the curtain and the speakers and podium for the mooninites to stand on. There would be the sign “welcome villains” at the top. The rest would be minifigures:
Ol drippy – A large piece of mold and penicillin that was spawned out of a large mess Shake made in the kitchen:
The two frat aliens – These are two fairly inebriated guys that are all about being friends and calling each other “Bro”. One of them has a dad that owns a dealership, so he feels pretty entitled.
Cybernetic Ghost of Christmas Past from the Future – he is a robot that was created in the future and has come back to the past to warn the Aqua Teens of things that happened in the past that will cause problems in the future. Unfortunately, all of his stories are long and drawn out, and actually never happened at all.
Happy time Harry – An extremely irritated man with only one hand that has a lot of bills and alimony to pay. He general is not very “happy time” because life has not been good to him.
5 Brownies – These are brownies that have mutated into flying monsters and generally just say “Click Click Click Click Click”
And the mooninites of course.
The Plutonians Ship
The plutonians are another set of characters that are involved with the Aqua Teens in several different episodes and in the movie. They are supposedly form Pluto and they have a very large intricate ship. Unfortunately, they are also extremely dense. They try to steal cable from the Aqua Teens in the first episode together and in the movie they are trying to steal a weight machine from the Aqua Teens called “the insanoflex” that should provide them with all the women of the earth eventually.
As you can see, the ship is pretty big and cool looking so I think it would make a good set. Along with it, the plutonians would make some really good minifigures:
Those are headbands they are wearing to keep sweat out of their eyes – Ogelthorpe on the left and Emory on the right – although Oglethorpe wears his around his neck to keep sweat off the rest of his body. Their spikes also emit soap in certain cases.
Minifigures would include:
The plutonians The 3 Aqua Teens as they get brought up to this ship on several occasions. So there you have it. The dream is done. Would anyone else like these sets? I am probably crazy... Note: All of the information here are my own opinions and are pulled from my experiences. You may or may not have success with these methods. Thanks for reading!