Let me start by explaining that this particular review focuses solely upon the physical contents of the LEGO Dimensions set 71204 Doctor Who Level pack. For those who do not know about LEGO Dimensions, it is the newest addition to the LEGO video game library. The game allows users to customize their gameplay by adding minifigures and minibuild objects. The Minifigure chips unlock characters with unique abilities. The minibuilds have 3 different modes that each have in game instructions. Those builds perform different actions/duties in game. The basic game comes with a chip reader that allows you to perform certain actions based upon the placement of the chipped items. It seems like the gameplay is not influenced in the slightest by the physical bricks or minifigures on top of the stands. From gameplay videos online, it seems like Dimensions is similar to every other LEGO video game with certain enhancements to make the reader/base necessary. The Level pack (like this one) usually contains a single minifigure and a pair of minibuild objects. These items can be used within the basic game or add additional content in the form of an additional level including theme specific story content and a themed free play adventure world. I presume that the RFID chip for the Doctor character unlocks the additional Doctor Who content, as I did not find a code in the box. All of the level packs have a retail price of $29.99. Also available are Fun packs that also have a single minifigure, but only one minibuild item. These items do not add content, only enhance gameplay by allowing the user to activate new abilities and unlock secrets that already exist within the levels.
However, I am not including any information as to how this set impacts gameplay for the LEGO Dimensions game. I cannot add any digital content reviews, IE the Doctor Who level of the Dimensions game, because I do not have the game itself.
Set #: 71204
Name: Doctor Who Level Pack
Theme: LEGO Dimensions
Parts: 83
Price: $29.99
Before we get to the build, let’s talk value. At $29.99 this is not a cheap set The price per piece works out to a bit over $.36 each, which seems terrible for those looking to be about $.10 per piece. One assumes that there's some inherent value in the additions to the LEGO Dimensions game, but as I do not have the game, there is no additional value. Strangely this is the second set I have opened recently with such a high disparity between piece count and cost.
Some people may wind up picking up a set that is open box or, want to verify the box contents before beginning a build. For this set, there are 2 baggies and an "instruction" book. The instructions show how to build your minifigure, and the rest of the book is an ad for all of the other level packs and play packs available for the LEGO Dimensions game. The assumption is that if you buy this set, you already have the game, so you would look at the in game instructions. I used a youtube video:
The big thing that I think people will buy this set for is the minifigure of the Doctor. At this point in time, he is a unique design with a unique hairpiece and a brand new Sonic Screwdriver. As far as likeness goes, well it's a LEGO so, it's as good as any and better than some. With the upcoming Ideas set, some of these unique elements will probably be replicated, but the costume is more akin to what he wears in the series than that strange purple outfit on offer in dimensions
The unique elements for this set look nice, new hair, printed tiles, and of course the Screwdriver. Also included are the RFI chips that allow the game base to decode what build you are using for the game. Without the game pad, I can't figure out if there's a difference between the 2 plain discs, so I just put the mini builds on the first one to hand.
The builds, once I got the videos up and running were simple and quick. They were each about half of the 83 pieces. So, they're smaller than a polybag, but bigger than an Advent Calendar build. They're cute little representations of things from the show, with the TARDIS being undersized and K-9 being dramatically oversized. K-9 only has a printed piece on one side. It's been so long since I saw the old Who episodes that I can't recall if that's accurate or not.
I like the Doctor minifigure. I think that the minibuilds are cute and fun and will go on display. Whether I get the game or not, I'm not sad to have them. This set is not for every collector. People who like Doctor Who, especially if they like or are tolerant of his current incarnation, will probably dig it. People who play the Dimensions game will probably like more level and minibuild options. Fans of neither can probably find a much more value conscious set to buy and build. The Creator Treehouse, Scooby Doo Mystery Machine, Avengers Hulk Buster Smash, and the Lincoln Memorial are all examples of sets at the $29.99 tier.
There was a small allotment of extra parts, more than I expected. Happily one of the extra parts was the Sonic Screwdriver.
While I personally like the set, I doubt its long term value increasing significantly. For one thing, with this set and the upcoming Cyberman fun pack, I feel like LEGO is signaling an upcoming theme. The deciding factor in my mind is whether the Ideas set and the Dimensions sets perform. With that said, I cannot imagine this minifigure staying unique. I actually feel like any currently unique Dimensions minifigure will appear in a set sooner or later. If I am wrong, the minifigure will be the driving force behind this set. I doubt that the game will last more than a couple of years before they create version 2.0 or something, rendering all of the old content moot. During the life of this version of the game, these sets should be readily available. Modern game players are fickle and will move on as soon as the next shiny game comes along, so they are unlikely to have long term nostalgia for an expensive add on to an already expensive game.
If the minifigure is released in a later set, as I surmise, then any future value lays on the minibuilds. The TARDIS is cute, and the printed tiles are nice, but a larger TARDIS playset that has play/display value is coming soon. K-9 may have nostalgic value for fans of the 80's Doctor Who serials or the Sarah Jane Chronicles, but is a complete nothing to more modern fans. I don't see either of these providing long term incentive for people to pick up later.
I might not have gotten this set myself given its high price point and my lack of the Dimensions game, but I had VIP points to use and there was an inexplicable $5 discount. Am I happy that I got the set for myself? Absolutely. Will I be adding a bunch to my storage room in hopes of significant long term gain? Not unless I find a significant discount. Maybe you see greater growth potential, and dispute my points entirely. Well, I wish you good fortune. For now, I need to find a place to display these neat little additions.
Edited by thoroakenfelder
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